Uw zoekresultaten

Holy Trinity

We are a welcoming community of Christians brought together by a shared love of Jesus
with lively worship, Christian discipleship, friendly fellowship, and a desire
to bring the love of God to others.

A welcoming community of Christians
We are a growing international Church within the Anglican Diocese in Europe.
Our members come from the Netherlands and around the world. Some are cradle
Anglicans and many come from other church backgrounds.

Expressed in lively worship
Our worship is focussed on Jesus, celebrated in the Eucharist, both contemporary
and traditional, with a choir or a band, in English and in Dutch.

Growing as disciples of Christ
We provide possibilities for people of all ages to expand and deepen their faith and
relationship with Jesus Christ.

Friendly Fellowship
We offer opportunities after worship and during the week to form friendships
for mutual support and encouragement.

Bringing the love of God to others
We are moved, through our encounter and union with Christ, to share the love of God
by word and social action with our city and the wider world.

9:00am Morning Prayer 5:00pm Evening Prayer

Every Sunday: 10:30am Sung or Choral Communion (in English) 2nd & 4th Sundays: 9am Sung Communion (in Dutch) 2nd Sunday of the Month 2:30pm Choral Evensong (except not in July and August)

Wednesdays (unless it is a special feast/fast day): 7:00pm Holy Communion (a said service with short reflection on the Gospel) Daily Morning & Evening Prayer (English) Tuesdays to Fridays: 8:00am Morning Prayer 5:30pm Evening Prayer

Websitelink vieringen:

Holy Trinity
Van Limburg Stirumplein
3581 VD,
Tel: (+31) 06 124 104 31
E-mail: office@holytrinityutrecht.nl
Website: http://www.holytrinityutrecht.nl/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HolyTrinityUtrecht/


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