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Grace Church Groningen

Grace Church Groningen is an international Anglican congregation which started gathering in 2012, bringing together people whose desire is to know Jesus, follow Him and make Him known in the city of Groningen.

Morning worship services are held in English (occasionally with Dutch translations).

We welcome all to join us as we seek to learn more about the life, mission and work of Jesus Christ that continues through his followers today.

During the academic year (September through end of June), we meet for worship twice a month*:

2nd Sunday of the month: 10:30 am Service of the Word
4th Sunday of the month: 10:30 am Holy Communion

*And we also have services around the major Christian festivals (Christmas, Easter, etc.).

Main location for worship services: the Old Catholic Church (Witte de Withstraat 2, Groningen)

We also have prayer groups, social activities and Bible studies.


2nd Sunday of the month: 10:30 am Service of the Word 4th Sunday of the month: 10:30 am Holy Communion


Websitelink vieringen:

Grace Church Groningen
Witte de Withstraat 2
9726 EC,
Tel: 050 785 0703
E-mail: chaplaingracechurchgn@gmail.com
Website: http://gracechurchgroningen.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/136325166540302/


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